Mistakes text writing in the game

Mistakes text writing in the game

Hello game developers!

The stage of writing the text for my game Erra: Exordium was constantly postponed. After the first time, when a lot of text was written, it became clear that it does not reflect the events that have changed during development.

And since the text was written by one person, mistakes were made - worsening the focus of the player's understanding of what is happening in general plot.

Since the scenes in the game were created by individual level designers, who also have the role of an artist, only they knew exactly which texts to write. Therefore, when the artist placed elements with text, he saw that the text no longer corresponded to reality, and made his corrections.

Therefore, we postponed the writing of the final text to the end of development. When the demo was being prepared for Steam, the text was edited by the whole team. Which is also a mistake, because it turns into a mess.

Yes, it's indie, yes, it's common mistakes, but we've got what we've got :)

It is necessary to take into account the time of localization. There wasn't much text in the demo, but we wanted to make it for 11 languages. Therefore, the translation took time. Time to find people, and time to wait for translation, and it's not just one week...

I understand that in order to reduce such mistakes, it is necessary to have one person in the team who is engaged in the design of the game and is responsible for the text.

How it happens in your inidegame teams ?

P.S. Check our game demo - Erra: Exordium